Ask Kassie

November 2003

1.) I loved the scene when you sang Funny Valentine and Trevor played the piano.  Any chance we'll be seeing more scenes like that soon? -Laura

Kassie:  There is a special episode on Dec. 9th.  Full of great stuff...


2.) Dear Kassie;  
Do you think Blair loves Todd enough to forgive him?  Do you think there is any chance TPTB would write it that way, and do they ever ask the actors/actresses for any input? -Terry C

Kassie: Blair is angry that yet again she was lied to.  She always acts out...but after 8 years...T and B always find a way back to each other.


3.) Kassie, 
When are we going to see the new CD?  Not long ago I called your Mom and she did not know, can you tell us.
Betty Hanner

Kassie: Warner Nashville is very interested and we are getting close to a deal.  But nothing yet.


4.) Hello Kassie, I will be At Super Soap Weekend next weekend. I look forward to seeing you. My brother works at Disney so my mom and I go every year. We are going to visit him starting next wed for 10 days.  I hate that Max/James is or has gone off the show. I have always loved him. And have enjoyed seeing both of you at Super Soap in Orlando. What is James doing now? We will be in the parks on Friday are you planning on getting to the parks early to play a little. I hope to hear back from you. -Becky

Kassie: Jim is staying busy with project he could never get to while he was at OLTL.


5.) Which actor(RH or TSJ) do you like better the old one or new one?

Kassie: Both actors brought a different side to Todd.  I think both actors are extremely talented and I'm very lucky to work with them.


6.)Will your husband ever come back to the show?   And if not will he be on another soap?

Kassie: That's up to ABC.


7.) I think Blair and "Walker/Todd" are really great together.  Do you think that Blair will understand how hard it was for Todd to be obviously tortured and almost killed by Mitch, and turn around and do all he did to come back for her and his children?

Kassie: Why couldn't he tell her up front?  He sacrificed, but she suffered too.


8. Dear Hottest daytime diva,
We all know the characters as they are portrayed, who is really the most fun when the cameras are off, In other words, who would you most likely invite over to your own home to hang with for fun. -Carolynn

Kassie: Most of the cast.

9.) Dear Kassie,
Thank you for years of great performances.  When you get your scripts and see scenes that you don't  agree with are you able to have any say so in changing them?  And when you have a sad scene where you have to cry a lot how long does it take you to calm back down? Thanks again for your great acting talents. -Jan

Kassie: I pretty much play it as it's written and the sad ones too.

10.) I think you have a wonderful voice and I am wondering if you will be doing any more singing scenes soon? -Jeanette

Kassie: Watch Dec 9


11.)Dear Kassie: Who kisses better - - Todd or Walker? -Helen

Kassie: Aren't they the same?

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