Ask Kassie

October 2004

1.) I was just wondering whats it like to know your touching peoples lives?

Kassie:  we all have a chance to touch peoples lives I just hope I can do it in a positive way.

2.) Hi Kassie,
How are you doing? I'm Great! When Kristen Alderson started on OLTL, did you and her feel like mother and daughter off camera right away?
Thanks Jacki

Kassie: Kristen has always been special to work with even when she was 6 playing 4. I like her alot.

3.) Hi Kassie,
I have been watching you everyday since 1994 and youhave fascinated me each year. Thank You for your greatportrayal of Blair Cramer/Manning.Like 99% of the OLTL fans I love TnB. I have writtenmy own storyline which has RH returning to Lanview ina surprise twist to expose Walker/Todd as a fake! How do you think the fans would react to that? I thinkit opens a world of possibility, and allows for an interesting Love Triangle.


Kassie: that would be a great twist. I don't think it is likely since Roger is at As the World turns.

4.) What do you think about Michael Malone's departure and what are your hopes for Blair from the new Headwriter, Dena Higley?

Kassie: I will miss michael and I don't know what to expect from Dena. I have met her and haven't really heard much about her.

5.) Hi Kassie.
I love your work as Blair. I wondered, what is an average day off for you?

Kassie: Usually taking care of business that I can't get around too when I'm at the studio. Walk my son the school. Cook a meal in my crockpot. Maybe play golf with Jimmy. get my toenails painted. what ever needs to get done....answer emails from my great fans.

6.)Does OLTL have any plans to do another musical like The Babes Episode? Would you like to do musicals in the future?

Kassie: Sure I thought it was a very entertaining show.

7.) Hi Kassie,
How old were you when you knew you wanted to become an actress?

Kassie: Jr High

8.) I just want to say first of all I am really enjoying your current storyline on the show. I think you are fantastic!!!My question is will your new CD be available to purchase at Super Soap Weekend? I sure hope so because I have your Naked CD and I absolutely love it. Hope to see you in Florida!!!!!!!
Thanks for your time.
Pat Lucey

Kassie: My new CD, No Regrets, will be released at SSW and i hope you will get and I will sign it for you. I will have it around the park all weekend and I will be selling No Regrets at The Book Stop at MGM Studios on Friday afternnoon, November 12 at 4. Hope to see you there.

9.) I am a fan of yours and really was hoping to hear from you. Do you know how to use the computer?

Kassie: Very poorly...but I get by.

10.) Hey, how are you? My question to you is, do you sell any of your cd's in any stores, if so where?
your fan, tammy

Kassie: Not yet Tammy, but hopefully will we be able to get it out there. You can call 1-866-KassieD in Nov. and it will be available there. online at The Kassie DePaiva Store starting November 15 and tthrough the mail at
The KDP Fan Club
PO BOx 346
Foxworth, MS 39443.

11.)Will you be attending the Soap Star Weekend again in Florida this year. On Nov 13 and 14. I meet you last year, and would love to see you again.Tnanks,
Take Care
Cheryl Caputo

Kassie: I'll be there. Come see me at The Book Stop on Friday at MGM at 4.

12.) Which former cast members do you keep in touch with?

Kassie: Erin Torpey, Gina Tongoni

13.)Would you ever consider doing a reality show?

Kassie: NO!

14.) If you had to chose between acting and singing, which would you choose?

Kassie: I hope you mean singing not sinning...I can't really choose.

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